Newsletter Issue #138
Published: 2022-10-25
By the time you read this, the Android Dev Summit will have completed its first event, including a bunch of Compose content that I’ll link to in the next issue.
For now, we’ll look at long clicks on lazy items and the reason we remember()
the output of derivedStateOf()
. We’ll take another peek at Appyx and learn
about atomic design. And we’ll see some more loading indicators, image croppers,
and country code pickers.
One Off the Stack, One Off the Slack
You’ve got questions. That’s understandable!
Why Do We remember() Derived State?
In lightweight testing, it might seem like you can skip using remember()
with derivedStateOf()
. In reality… there is a good reason why there is a Lint
warning for forgetting remember()
for derivedStateOf()
, as we see in this
week’s highlighted Stack Overflow question.
How Can I Handle Long-Clicks in Lazy Items?
In theory, it is merely a matter of onLongClick
. In practice, you also need to
add keys to your lazy collection (in this case, a LazyVerticalGrid()
), as we
see in this week’s Kotlinlang #compose
Slack thread.
Composable Commentary
Posts, videos, and other new information related to Jetpack Compose!
Medium: Modelling dating cards navigation with Appyx
Zsolt Kocsi continues a review of the capabilities of the Appyx navigation library, this time exploring how it not only handles screen-to-screen navigation, but “in-screen navigation”. In this case, Zsolt looks at the classic “swipe left/swipe right” card animation, showing how Appyx models the stack of cards and defines operations that transition that stack from state to state.
Medium: You might be creating your states wrong!
Chetan Gupta examines two different ways of consuming MutableState
: destructuring
it into a get/set accessors and delegation (by
syntax). TL;DR: Chetan likes
destructuring but thinks that delegation is a more reliable approach.
Medium: Android Jetpack Compose and Atomic Design
Adrian Burcin looks at atomic design: a way of describing UI elements from tiny reusable pieces up to entire screens. Adrian then explores how a Compose UI design system can embody atomic design and how a screen can be subdivided into the atoms and molecules that make up much of an atomic design.
Tweets: Calling Composables from onClick()
Google’s Zach Klippenstein wrote a series of tweets examining a common confusion
with Compose UI: why event handlers do not directly emit compositions, but rather
update state. In other words, why can’t we call composable functions from, say,
the onClick
lambda for a Button()
? The answer is “you can, but you’re not going to like it much”.
Other Interesting Links
- Compose Basics: MAD Skills Wrap-Up
- Migrating to navigation with jetpack compose
- Medium: Deeplink friendly app with jetpack compose navigation
- Medium: Jetpack Compose — a quick dive into Recomposition
- Medium: Jetpack Compose basics + under-the-hood stuff
- Medium: Jetpack Compose State Hoisting
- Medium: Bounce Effect with Compose Backdrop Layer
- Medium: What does the PaddingValues parameter in a Compose Scaffold do?
Resource Roundup
100% pure code!
GitHub: commandiron / ComposeLoading
Emir Demirli published a library of loading indicator composables, from Circle()
and Pulse()
to ChasingDots()
and WanderingCubes()
GitHub: TuleSimon / xMaterialccp
Tule Simon implemented a country code picker, based on one
profiled here several months ago. MaterialCountryCodePicker()
takes a dizzying
array of parameters to customize the look.
GitHub: mr0xf00 / easycrop
GitHub user mr0xf00 created an ImageCropper()
composable to allow the user to
crop a bitmap (in memory or loaded from a Uri
or File
). The library also
contains an ImageCropperDialog()
for a popup version of the UI.
GitHub: NaingAungLuu / form-conductor
GitHub user NaingAungLuu created a library that lets you define business rules
for form validation via annotations on a model class, such as @MaxLength
and @IntegerRange
. Those can then be applied to a UI via form()
and field()
Other Interesting Links
- GitHub: javierpe / ArtGallery (server-defined UI)
- GitHub: mr0xf00 / lazytreelist (lazy list of items and sub-items)
- GitHub: marosseleng / compose-material3-datetime-pickers (Material3 time picker)
- GitHub: GRizzi91 / bouquet (PDF renderer for simple PDFs)
- GitHub: ltttttttttttt / Buff (KSP to convert simple properties into
Or, you can subscribe to the Atom feed or follow Mark Murphy in the Fediverse.
Recent Issues:
- 2025-03-18: Compose RC! States and flows! Accessibility! Dialogs! Dropdowns! Callouts! Lazy tabs! And... did you bump my composable?!?
- 2025-03-11: Compose beta! Compose Multiplatform alpha! Hot reload! Mesh gradients! Strong skipping! Permissions! And... what happens if our desktop goes dark?!?
- 2025-02-25: Viewmodels and previews! TV Compose! A safer marquee! Server-defined UIs! And... do I have a right to be forgotten?!?