Newsletter Issue #221
Published: 2024-07-02
New betas for Compose and Compose Material3 dropped, and there is not much in them! 🎉
We also look at many options for user selection input, see how to adapt to larger screen sizes, implement screenshot testing, and write conference presentation slides in Compose itself. And, we peek at a KMP Lottie rendering engine, a calendar, and another option for screenshot test generation!
Ooooo… What Did We Get?
Reviewing the release notes for the latest Jetpack Compose update!
Compose 1.7.0-beta04
and Compose Material3 1.3.0-beta04
were released, with a smattering
of bug fixes. With luck, stable releases will be ready in a couple of months!
In Compose-adjacent libraries, we got these updates:
One Off the Stack, One Off the Slack
You’ve got questions. That’s understandable!
Why Does My Composable Not React to Flow Changes?
Having multiple sources of truth is an easy way to get into trouble with Compose UI
development. Having a local copy of data that you get from a viewmodel’s Flow
one way to subtly introduce a second source of truth, as we see in this week’s highlighted
Stack Overflow question.
How Far Can My Lazy Container Scroll?
This comes up from time to time with all recycling-style containers: developers want to
know the total size of the content (e.g., the total scrollable height of a LazyColumn()
Often, this means that using a recycling-style container was perhaps not the best choice,
as we see in this week’s highlighted Kotlinlang #compose
Slack thread.
Composable Commentary
Posts, videos, and other new information related to Jetpack Compose!
Medium: Choices of Choices: Exploring User Selection Components in Jetpack Compose with Material 3
There are a seemingly infinite number of Material 3 components for users to make a selection
of something. Kerry Bisset walks us through eight different composables, from SegmentedButton()
to FilterChip()
, outlining the configuration options and use cases, plus offering up alternatives.
Medium: Get your android app ready for larger screen sizes using window-size classes on android
Mubarak Native explores the offerings from the androidx.compose.material3:material3-adaptive-navigation-suite
library, including the use of NavigationSuiteScaffold()
for employing different navigation
patterns based on screen size.
Medium: List detail layout and panes in Compose
OÄźuzhan Aslan explores the same topic area, focusing on the alpha version of
to manage list and detail panes, showing one or both depending
on available screen space.
Screenshot testing with jetpack compose
Ashutosh Bhandari walks us through the newly-released Compose Preview Screenshot Testing tool,
for developing screenshot tests based on @Preview
annotations. This includes setting
up the screenshotTest
source set, writing @Preview
functions for testing, generating
the reference screenshots, and seeing the results when code changes introduce regressions.
Medium: Exploring the Viability of Cross-Platform UI Development with Compose Multiplatform
Kwabena Bio Berko published an extensive analysis of Compose Multiplatform and whether it was suitable for production use. TL;DR: yes, it is, but string translations may be a challenge. Read the post for details!
Our Journey Implementing Session Replay in Android for Jetpack Compose
Miguel Juárez López writes about Layout Inspector, Radiography, and other tools retrieve information about a rendered composable for diagnostic purposes. The story has its twists and turns as Compose UI evolved from its earliest versions, with the end result being the use of the Semantics APIs.
Medium: Introducing Compose-ur-Pres
Salomon BRYS gives us a tour of Compose-ur-Pres, a Compose Multiplatform way to develop slide-based presentations using composables, with a framework handling slide transitions, speaker panes, and more.
Medium: Custom TopAppBar using Android Jetpack Compose
Shiva Thapa points out some limitations of TopAppBar()
, then walks us through
Oya Canlı’s replacement
implementation that overcomes some of those limitations.
Other Interesting Links
- Exploring New Worlds of UI sharing possibilities in PeopleInSpace using Compose Multiplatform
- Headless Composable Capture
- How to create LazyColumn with drag and drop elements in Jetpack Compose. Part 1.
- Medium: Accessibility Testing in Android Jetpack Compose
- Medium: Creating Custom Paging for Infinite Scrolling in Jetpack Compose
- Medium: Custom Material-3 Expandable Floating Action Button in Jetpack Compose
- Medium: Golden Testing Your Compose Library with Paparazzi
- Medium: Handling Multiple Links in Text Using AnnotatedString in Jetpack Compose
- Medium: How to Create a Countdown Snackbar in Android with Jetpack Compose
- Medium: How to Use Room Database with Hilt in Jetpack Compose?
- Medium: List-Detail Layout using Jetpack Compose
- Medium: Modern Crossplatform Desktop Applications with Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose UI
- Medium: PivotOffset without TvLazyList
- Medium: Reducing GPU Overdraw in Android Jetpack Compose
- Medium: Type-Safety in Jetpack Compose Navigation
- Video: Animations with Jetpack Compose
Resource Roundup
100% pure code!
GitHub: alexzhirkevich / compottie
Alexander Zhirkevich is working on a KMP Lottie animation engine! Right now, it is in its first beta release.
GitHub: uuranus / animated-dialog-compose
GitHub user uuranus has a library with a variety of dialogs with animated entrances/exits, along with support for custom shapes and background colors.
GitHub: uuranus / schedule-calendar-compose
GitHub user uuranus also published a ScheduleCalendar()
composable for showing an
event calendar, with customizable colors and labeling.
GitHub: sergio-sastre / ComposablePreviewScanner
Sergio Sastre FlĂłrez brings us a library to help generate screenshot tests from @Preview
composables, for use with JVM-based or Android instrumentation-based testing libraries.
Other Interesting Links
- Gist: akexorcist / BeakShape.kt (triangle shape with one rounded corner)
- Gist: emenjivar / AnimatedTypingIndicator.kt (dots indicator for loading or typing)
- GitHub: ComposeGears / Valkyrie (IDEA/Studio plugin to generate
from SVG) - GitHub: GuilhE / KMP-ComposeUIViewController (“KSP library for generating
implementations when using Compose Multiplatform for iOS”) - GitHub: Khokhlinvladimir / android-pin-authentication (PIN management)
- GitHub: mikepenz / AboutLibraries (auto-generated about screens)
Or, you can subscribe to the Atom feed or follow Mark Murphy in the Fediverse.
Recent Issues:
- 2025-02-25: Viewmodels and previews! TV Compose! A safer marquee! Server-defined UIs! And... do I have a right to be forgotten?!?
- 2025-02-18: New Compose and Compose Multiplatform! Focus! Accordion animations! Skeuomorphic design! Detecting idle users! And... somebody sunk my Fleet?!?
- 2025-02-11: ModalBottomSheet! Composable API design! MapKit in Compose Multiplatform! Shimmer! TV focus! And... what is androidx.media3:media3-ui-compose?!?