Newsletter Issue Archives
- Issue #231: Compose 1.7.0! Wear Compose 1.4.0! droidcon Berlin 2024! Circular layouts! TextDirection! Carousels! And… will we someday go 3D and have to deal with edge-to-edge-to-edge?!? (2024-09-10)
- Issue #230: on shaders! on loading initial data! Previews! Custom design systems! Dynamic themes! And… when does Compose for Web make sense? (2024-09-03)
- Issue #229: New Compose BOM and RC! Stable TV Compose! Escaping fragments! on building CMP apps! and Material You for CMP! And… there is a security issue with Navigation for Compose?!? (2024-08-27)
- Issue #228: on Brush! on writing good previews! rememberCoroutineScope()! and a seemingly infinite number of icons! And AGSL shaders… across platforms?!? (2024-08-20)
- Issue #227: 1.7.0-beta07! Compose Multiplatform state management! Compose Multiplatform navigation! Compose Multiplatform biometrics! And even more Compose Multiplatform stuff! (2024-08-13)
- Issue #226: Customizing text overflow! Composable refactoring! Nested scrolling! Adaptive layouts! Lottie! System bars! And… how do previews work, anyway?!? (2024-08-06)
- Issue #225: Compose betas! Compose Multiplatform alpha! on Compose accesibility! Layout animations! Composable API design! Yandex Maps! And… JetBrains wants to tell us a story?!? (2024-07-30)
- Issue #224: Edge-to-edge! on performance! on derivedStateOf()! on swipe to dismiss! on orientation! (2024-07-23)
- Issue #223: Compose beta! Adaptive layouts! on restartable functions! Custom overscroll effects! A bunch of Compose Multiplatform libraries! And… why is my Popup() getting clipped?!? (2024-07-16)
- Issue #222: CMP 1.7.0 alpha! Strong skipping! Supporting panes! Nested type-safe nav! Multiplatform signatures! Maps for Compose 6.0.0! And… can a composable suspend?!? (2024-07-09)
- Issue #221: Compose betas! User selection widgets! on supporting larger screens! Screenshot testing! And… composing slides on Compose in Compose?!? (2024-07-02)
- Issue #220: KotlinConf 2024! DropDownMenu! MVI! Previews with lists! Multiplatform ConstraintLayout! helps us build design systems! And… synchronized scroll states?!? (2024-06-25)
- Issue #219: Compose BOM and betas! Glance 1.1.0! on Jetcaster and Compose IO announcements! Composable API design! Tooltip-based onboarding! (2024-06-18)
- Issue #218: on accessibility testing! on modifier ordering! on animated gradient fills for text! And… hey, where did all the new libraries go?!? (2024-06-11)
- Issue #217: Compose and Wear Compose betas! @sinasamaki on Flipboard-style animations! on Koin for Compose Multiplatform! iOS/Compose interop! MVI! And… structured fields without VisualTransformation?!? (2024-06-04)
- Issue #216: Compose for iOS! Compose previews, including screenshot testing! Compose Guard! on animations! on Compose Compiler reports! And… I do get a little kelp! (2024-05-28)
- Issue #215: Google I/O 2024! Compose Compiler update! Compose beta! Glance RC! CameraX! Dagger! Coil3 for Multiplatform! Previews! Detecting performance regressions! And… can we get a little kelp?!? (2024-05-21)
- Issue #214: Compose Multiplatform RC! Navigation for Compose type safety! Compose Multiplatform and Compose Cupertino! Performance! Accordions! And… brownies?!? (2024-05-14)
- Issue #213: Compose Compiler, Compose, TV Compose, and Wear Compose updates! on official type-safe navigation args! LocalInspectionMode! Custom drop shadows! And… Compose Compiler is moving?!? (2024-05-07)
- Issue #212: on shared element transitions! Haptics! on configurable accessibility! And… is Compose soiled?!? (2024-04-30)
- Issue #211: Compose BOM! Compose Compiler! Compose and Wear Compose alphas! Glance beta! Compose Multiplatform beta! on replacing ClickableText()! Nested lazy containers! Scaffolds! And… should we skip Skip?!? (2024-04-23)
- Issue #210: Compose Multiplatform 1.6.2! Hilt! Koin! Pinch-to-zoom for image grids! Compose Web apps! Multiplatform navigation! And… a trio of posts on Trio?!? (2024-04-16)
- Issue #209: Updates to Compose BOM, Compose alphas, Glance, Wear Compose, and more! Shapes! Compose Multiplatform! Focus as state! Reaction picker! And shows a segmented progress bar… in 50 lines of code?!? (2024-04-09)
- Issue #208: Localization! String resources! AirBnb Trios! Maps! Lazy list animations! Avatar lists! And… a gap?!? (2024-04-02)
- Issue #207: Compose BOM, Compiler, and Wear Compose updates! Dashed lines! on Circuit! on bitmap capturing! And… React hooks, in Compose?!? (2024-03-26)
- Issue #206: Compose BOM! Compose and Wear Compose alphas! on design systems! on accessibility tests! Tap target previews! Auto-linking text! And… the return of And One More Thing?!? (2024-03-19)
- Issue #205: Compose Multiplatform 1.6.0! Detecting active scrolling! Strong skipping! Sticky grid headers! Rich media input! Multiplatform tables! And brings us Mighty Morphin Power… Shapes?!? (2024-03-05)
- Issue #204: Compose Compiler! Compose BOM! Compose and Wear Compose alphas! The state of Compose! Test tags! Animated strikethroughs! Shimmers! And… why is my font borked?!? (2024-02-27)
- Issue #203: Compose Multiplatform RCs! State! Nested scrolling! on Amper! Compose Cupertino! Compose… Hammer? And… we can memoize lambdas?!? (2024-02-20)
- Issue #202: Compiler 1.5.9! BOM 2024.02.00! New Glance libraries! on Circuit and Compose Multiplatform! Material3! Markdown! MVI! And… testing robots?!? (2024-02-13)
- Issue #201: A Compose Multiplatform survey and a patch! on font scaling! Modal bottom sheet close confirmation! Compose Multiplatform resources! Draggable items in lazy lists! And… talks to some Italians?!? (2024-02-06)
- Issue #200: It’s the 200th issue! Compose 1.6.0 and 1.7.0-alpha01! Wear Compose! OTP fields! Bottom sheet navigation! Chip fields! Compose Multiplatform updates! And… is bar hopping?!? (2024-01-30)
- Issue #199: Optimizations! Animations! Passwords! Rich text editor! OTP! Toasts! And… how do we move from Jetpack Compose to JetBrains Compose?!? (2024-01-23)
- Issue #198: Compose Compiler 1.5.8! Compose 1.6.0-rc01! Wear Compose updates! derivedStateOf()! Edge-to-edge! Glassmorphism! Navigation! And… a fruit-flavored Compose theme and widget set?!? (2024-01-16)
- Issue #197: Skipping! BasicTextField2()! Decompose! Circular sliders! Segmented pickers! Showcases! RecyclerView! And… is gone()?!? (2024-01-09)
- Issue #196: rememberUpdatedState()! BasicTextField2()! Immutability! semantics()! Atomic design! Drag-and-drop! And to an animated infinity loader… and beyond?!? (2024-01-02)
- Issue #195: Compose Compiler 1.5.7! Atomic state changes! Shapes and morphing! Compose-view interop! Navigation! ExoPlayer! Gauges! System bar control! (2023-12-26)
- Issue #194: Compose updates! Glance! on composable performance! on accessibility! Modifiers! Vector drawable converter! (2023-12-19)
- Issue #193: A Compose beta, and a Compose Material3 alpha! Detecting presses on words! on Compose Multiplatform! Dynamic font scaling! Inner shadows! gives us a more flexible bottom sheet! And, we tell the Compose Compiler what we think is stable! (2023-12-05)
- Issue #192: Compose Multiplatform! on Molecule! Bottom nav bars! Reorderable lists! KSP-based nav! And… using @Preview for custom views?!? (2023-11-28)
- Issue #191: Compose/Material3/Wear Compose updates! remember()! Adaptive layouts! Compose Multiplatform in 2024! on BasicTextField2()! Compose Multiplatform charts! And… is TV Compose in trouble?!? (2023-11-21)
- Issue #190: Compose Compiler! BasicTextField2()! and animations! Optimization!, JetBrains, and Fleet! JetBrains and plotting! And… we collapse?!? (2023-11-14)
- Issue #189: Compose Multiplatform! Chips in fields! Diffing! Custom fonts in Glance app widgets! Heatmaps! PIN input! And is in a bit of a haze?!? (2023-11-07)
- Issue #188: Modifier! TV! Slot APIs! ConstraintLayout()! MapBox! Multi-select calendar! Button toggle groups! And… a placeholder for Compose Multiplatform?!? (2023-10-31)
- Issue #187: BOM! Alphas! @Stable! on supporting views and composables from your library! Paparazzi! A WebView for Compose Multiplatform! And… what did #TheAndroidShow show?!? (2023-10-24)
- Issue #186: Gestures! Migrating to Compose! Passwords! Performance! MotionLayout()! Branded QR codes! And… trigonometry? Really?!? (2023-10-17)
- Issue #185: A new BOM! Lots of alphas! droidcon NYC 2023! LazyList! Gestures! Accessibility! Wheel pickers! Scratch-off cards! And… Compose has a vitamin?!? (2023-10-10)
- Issue #184: Measuring! on touch input! Roborazzi! Pull-to-refresh! PDF viewing! Charts! Menus! (2023-10-03)
- Issue #183: Compose 1.6.0-alpha06! Compose/View interoperability! on next-gen text fields! Kobweb! Swipe-to-action! MVI! WebRTC! Floating windows! More floating windows! And… why is Modifier a Modifier?!? (2023-09-26)
- Issue #182: Compose Multiplatform! Maps for Compose! Borders! Blueprints! on arallax! Ripples! Steppers! Swipe-to-reveal! And… we 💪 a box?!? (2023-09-19)
- Issue #181: Compose 1.5.1! Glance 1.0.0! Compose Multiplatform! Themes! Photos! Coachmarks! A bit of CommonsWare history! And tells us what not to do! (2023-09-12)
- Issue #180: Compose Compiler 1.5.3! Compose Multiplatform 1.5.0! on greyscaling composables! on Espresso testing with Compose interop! Scrollbars! AnnotatedString! (2023-09-05)
- Issue #179: Compose Compiler 1.5.2! Compose and Wear Compose alphas! Capture composables to bitmaps! Testing! Recomposition! Compose Multiplatform! And… Accompanist is downsizing?!? (2023-08-29)
- Issue #178: Results via Navigation for Compose! on conditional modifiers! K2 compiler and Compose Multiplatform! Accessibility and graphs! Drag-and-drop! And pull-to-refresh… without Compose Material?!? (2023-08-22)
- Issue #177: Compose 1.5.0! Wear Compose 1.2.0! New alphas for both! Subsampling images! Shake animations! Flow layouts! Drag-and-drop! Iguana! OTP! Plus… it’s curtains for Compose?!? (2023-08-15)
- Issue #176: combinedClickable()! Live Edit! Paparazzi! Slot APIs! Chips! Recompositions! Placeholders! And… epic calendars?!? (2023-08-08)
- Issue #175: 1.5.0 RC! Android Worldwide! Live Edit! Compose Multiplatform! Tab indicators! TV grids! OneUI-styled composables! And… if the focus changes in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?!? (2023-08-01)
- Issue #174: Compose Compiler 1.5.0! Debouncing! droidcon San Francisco 2023! Composable API guidelines! Performance! Molecule 1.0! Timelines! Maps! Tinder-style swipe cards! Navigation! (2023-07-25)
- Issue #173: Design systems! Coil! Accessibility! on TextMotion! on font scaling! Another Figma plugin! And… why charts?!? (oh, no, wait, sorry, Y-Charts! 😁) (2023-07-18)
- Issue #172: TV and focus! Redwood beta! Talkback! Compose Multiplatform! Pull-to-refresh! Google Pay! Custom shapes! And… an emoji cannon?!? (2023-07-11)
- Issue #171: Compose Compiler 1.4.8! Compose 1.5.0-beta03! Recomposition, and avoiding it! Floating bubbles! Action menu animations! with window sizes for Compose Multiplatform! And, our rounded rectangles get… smoother?!? (2023-07-04)
- Issue #170: A new Compose alpha! Line breaks! Kristen Halper,, and FoldAwareColumn()! anchorDraggable()! Comparing declarative frameworks! Navigation! Image loading! (2023-06-27)
- Issue #169: Updates to Compose, TV Compose, Wear Compose, and more! derivedStateOf()! Android Makers 2023! shows off a photo grid! Pull-to-refresh! Arrangement! And… icons without material-icons-extended?!? (2023-06-20)
- Issue #168: Avoiding duplicate navigation! on performance! Animations! Tabs! Sticky headers! Country picker! And… squircles?!? (2023-06-06)
- Issue #167: Compose beta! Tracking continuous composable presses! Animated carousels! MVI! 2D scrolling layouts! Tables! And… a stable function?!? (2023-05-30)
- Issue #166: Focus and preview cards for Compose for TV! Interactions and visual states! ViewCompositionStrategy! Compose for iOS, for real! is zooming! Data tables! And… BasicTextField2, the sequel?!? (2023-05-23)
- Issue #165: Google I/O! New Compose BOM and alpha! Viewmodels! BottomScaffold()! SealedX! Lottie! Dynamic themes! Floating action menus! (2023-05-16)
- Issue #164: Compose 1.4.3! Paging for Compose API changes! PreviewCard() for Compose for TV! on deep links! And three Compose Multiplatform libraries! (2023-05-09)
- Issue #163: KotlinConf! Line heights! Pager animations! Navigation for Compose! Cameras! Material 3-tinted themes! And… another Figma-to-composable toolchain?!? (2023-05-02)
- Issue #162: New Compose releases! Immutability and performance! Text rendering! Pointer input! Previews and problems! Tracking interactions! Routing! And… remembering a modifier?!? (2023-04-25)
- Issue #161: Compose Compiler! GenericShape()! Insets! on the pros and cons of CompositionLocal! TV! Keyboards! Image cropping! And… Compose for iOS?!? (2023-04-18)
- Issue #160: April 2023 BOM! 1.5.0-alpha02 and on pagers! TV! State! Markdown! Themes! Charts! And more! (2023-04-11)
- Issue #159: State! Circuit! Paparazzi! Pagers! Problems with LiveData! and learning what causes recompositions! And… a 🍩?!? (you say doughnut, I say donut…) (2023-04-04)
- Issue #158: 1.4.0 stable release! and on text effects and hyphenation! Optimization! Sensors! And we pick a peck of pickled date and time pickers! (2023-03-28)
- Issue #157: Code organization! Custom layouts! Infinite scrolling! Text entry in Wear Compose! Preference UI! (2023-03-21)
- Issue #156: Compose RC! Wear Compose alpha! Grayscale composables! Updating our Compose dependencies! MVVM! Bottom sheets! And… another Figma-to-composable plugin?!? (2023-03-14)
- Issue #155: Updates to the Compose family of artifacts! Layout()! UiAutomator! Pull-to-refresh! on adding animation sizzle! ExoPlayer! PIN entry! And… is on TV?!? (2023-02-28)
- Issue #154: Modifiers! Drawing! Errors! Paging (and testing paging)! QR codes! KMM templates! And a correction from! (2023-02-21)
- Issue #153: 1.4.0-beta01 is out! Modifier order! Coding styles! Compose rendering phases! Effects! Securing dialogs! Signature capture! Forms! And … in… SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE! (2023-02-14)
- Issue #152: TextField() state! SnapshotMutationPolicy! A DropdownMenu() replacement! on Compose for Desktop! A custom collapsible app bar! Slack Compose Lint checks! Runtime permissions! And, pour one out for databinding! (2023-02-07)
- Issue #151: alpha05! LaunchedEffect! on flaky tests! Optimizations! rememberLauncherForActivityResult()! Compose for Web! Auto-sizing text! Navigation! And Material3…. for the watch?!? (2023-01-31)
- Issue #150: Locales! Relay! Effects! Paging! Foldables! Permissions! Date pickers! Bi-directional scrolling! And what your MaterialTheme means… for your SwiftUI code?!? (2023-01-24)
- Issue #149: New Compose patches and alphas! Dealing with Navigation for Compose! Scaffolds! QR codes! Server-defined UI! And has joined the BOM squad! 😁 💥 (2023-01-17)
- Issue #148: onNewIntent() and composables! ContactsContract and composables! Balloons! QR codes! Pencils! And a focus on focus! (2023-01-10)
- Issue #147: Compose for Desktop! decorationBox! OTP fields! Navigation as state! Photo pickers! Marquee effects! And Compose… for NativeScript?!? (2023-01-03)
- Issue #146: Reversing rows! Flowing text around images! States! Previews! Themes! And a video game… using Compose… on a watch?!? (2022-12-20)
- Issue #145: Patches and alphas! Ribbons! and new official project templates! Live Edit! Cross-platform Compose! Grids! Bubbles! (2022-12-13)
- Issue #144: The first post-COVID issue! 🎉 derivedStateOf()! Borders around groups of composables! Custom layouts! Jellyfish! Circuits! Cameras! But… not closed-circuit cameras?!? (2022-12-06)
- Issue #143 (Sorta): Nothing to see here! (2022-11-29)
- Issue #142: droidcon London 2022! Variable fonts! Accessibility! Rotary input on Wear OS! on wrapping text around composables! And… donut holes? But, where are the donuts?!? (2022-11-22)
- Issue #141: Compose 1.3.1 and 1.4.0-alpha02! Android Developer Summit! Android Worldwide! Relay! Permissions! Showcase views! And… a not-quite-complete autocomplete?!? (2022-11-15)
- Issue #140: Tables! Relay! Shaders! Intrinsics! Integration tests! Mocking composables! And… this newsletter is becoming buttoned down?!? (2022-11-08)
- Issue #139: Compose 1.3.0 stable! Android Dev Summit videos! State machines! Relay! And… someone set us up the BOM?!? (2022-11-01)
- Issue #138: Appyx! States! @AdrianBurcin on atomic design! Loading indicators! Image cropping! Forms via annotations! And… why can’t we call composables from onClick()?!? (2022-10-25)
- Issue #137: Text! @igor_s1999 on swipe-to-refresh and pagination! Rating bars! Bounce animations! (2022-10-18)
- Issue #136: Compose RCs! Kotlin 1.7.20 support! Performance! Recomposition! Replacing ‘single live event’! ExoPlayer! And… Compose on TV? For real?!? (2022-10-11)
- Issue #135: droidcon NYC 2022! Design systems! Shaped text backgrounds! Adaptive UIs! Flowing text! Showcases! (2022-10-04)
- Issue #134: A new beta! Linkify! Animations! Dual-pane user interfaces! Compose for iOS! Lock patterns! And Google’s @bentrengrove talks about recompositions and… flamingos?!? (2022-09-27)
- Issue #133: Thinking in Compose! 🤔 Accessibility! Paging! Waveforms! Animation DSLs! Undo! And… we’re using TextField() wrong?!? (2022-09-20)
- Issue #132: Compose updates! Tracking down and fixing recompositions! Maestro! Redwood! Molecule! And Twitter’s rules for composables! (2022-09-13)
- Issue #131: Snapshots! A Glance support library! Measuring and drawing! Swipe-to-dismiss! Speed dials! And… a redwood sighting?!? (2022-09-06)
- Issue #130: Android 13 per-app language support! Performance optimizations! Expandable lists! MVI! Zooming! Steppers! And… another Compose beta? Already?!? (2022-08-30)
- Issue #129: Accompanist! Firebase! @TashaRamesh, Tinder, and Compose! Custom layouts! Page curls! Discrete sliders! And… is MVCC yet another ‘model-view’ architecture?!? (2022-08-23)
- Issue #128: Releases, releases, releases! Performance! Text in a Canvas()! Consuming flows! Effects! And… how do Live Literals work, anyway?!? (2022-08-16)
- Issue #127: droidcon Berlin 2022! Animating text! Shimmers! Recompositions! Animations! Charts! Cameras! (2022-08-09)
- Issue #126: Compose 1.2.0! Wear Compose 1.0.0! Gradients and text! Foldables! Drag-and-drop! And @andersullnass on snapshot testing! (2022-08-02)
- Issue #125: New compiler beta! Overlapping composables! RecyclerView! movableContentOf()! JSON forms! And @anafthdev_ shows us composable picker wrappers! (2022-07-26)
- Issue #124: AniamtedContent()! LookaheadLayout()! Semantics! Custom text spans! Touch events! Paging3! And… bouncy ropes?!? (2022-07-19)
- Issue #123: Kotlin 1.7.0! droidcon! Stability now! AnimatedContent()! Accessibility! Kotlin/Multiplatform! Shared element transitions! And… Compose Compiler stable release, with the rest in RC?!? (2022-07-05)
- Issue #122: 1.2.0-rc02! Coroutine scopes in composables! Lint rules! TwoPaneLayout! Fragments! Markdown! Onboarding! Per-composable viewmodels! And… linen?!? (2022-06-28)
- Issue #121: 1.2.0-rc01! Font padding! MotionLayout! Animations! Bottom sheets! Compose for Desktop! And… Android retroprogramming?!? (2022-06-21)
- Issue #120: Recomposition! Animations! Performance! Design systems! Navigation! PINs! And, where are all the Google Play composable SDKs?!? (2022-06-14)
- Issue #119: beta03! How Google Maps and Twitter moved to Compose! AlertDialog()! Design systems! Slot APIs! Templates, inside and outside the IDE! (2022-06-07)
- Issue #118: Lazy grids! Pull-to-refresh! Sensor-based parallax! Compose compiler metrics reports! Collapsing top bars! Design systems! And… a snake?!? 🐍 (2022-05-31)
- Issue #117: 1.2.0-beta02! Canvas() and animations! Google Fonts! MVI! Detekt rules! A redwood sighting! And… composable-generated PowerPoint presentations?!? (2022-05-24)
- Issue #116: Google I/O 2022 videos! Compose beta01! Layout()! State! drawBehind()! Credit cards! App intros! And… what’s a horologist?!? (2022-05-17)
- Issue #115: StateFlow vs. State! Design systems! MotionLayout! Text editing problems and solutions! And… modal sheets that are actually modal?!? (2022-05-10)
- Issue #114: @aditlal and @JorgeCastilloPr on design systems! KMP + Compose + SwiftUI! Dropdowns! FABs! And, what does Google I/O 2022 have in store for Compose UI developers? (2022-05-03)
- Issue #113: 1.2.0-alpha08! Custom modifiers! Waiting in Compose tests! Screenshots! Trees! Charts! Event queues! And… how big should a composable be? 🤔 (2022-04-26)
- Issue #112: Compose compiler metrics! Overcomposing! Animations and their tests! Capturing composables as bitmaps! And… stateful widgets?!? (2022-04-19)
- Issue #111: 1.2.0-alpha07! Wear Compose! Custom modifiers! Canvas! Drag-and-drop! WireMock! Custom sliders! (2022-04-12)
- Issue #110: Figma! Localization! Backdrops! Sticky scrolling content! Staggered grids! Country pickers! And… Compose for Platform X?!? (2022-04-05)
- Issue #109: 1.2.0-alpha06 @takahirom on cross-module models! Linear gradients! Tri-state toggles! Modal bottom sheets! Plus, @mrmans0n talks about detecting Compose mistakes! (2022-03-29)
- Issue #108: moveableContentOf()! Dependency inversion! @ahmed_tikiwa on migrating from View to Compose! And… what should newcomers to Android learn? 🤔 (2022-03-22)
- Issue #107: 1.2.0-alpha05! Animations! Permissions! Glance! Overcompose detection! And we pick a peck of color pickers! (2022-03-15)
- Issue #106: 1.1.1 and 1.2.0-alpha04! Design systems! @TTGonda on accessibility! Rich text, including an editor! And… “snapshot invalidation”?!? (2022-03-08)
- Issue #105: Animations, animations, and more animations! Action modes and IME action buttons! Flipping cards and conditionally navigating! And… a composable in an AutoCompleteTextView?!? (2022-02-22)
- Issue #104: The 1.1.0 stable release is out! 🎉 1.2.0-alpha03! Blocking multiple clicks! Charts! Molecules! Multiple @csinco sightings! And… Wear OS CPU woe? 😞 (2022-02-15)
- Issue #103: Maps Compose! Snapshot tests! @aida_isay on shapes in Compose! Showcase views! Video players! Color pickers! And… one state, or two? (2022-02-08)
- Issue #102: 1.1.0-rc03 and 1.2.0-alpha02! Key events and composable keys! Glance for tiles! Snapshots! Navigation! Media pickers! And… documentation?!? (2022-02-01)
- Issue #101: Locales! Foldables! Robolectric! Semantics! Navigation selection criteria! @StephenVinouze and segmented progress bars! And Compose… for iOS?!? (2022-01-25)
- Issue #100: 1.2.0-alpha01! Button presses! Flow operators! Writing libraries of composables! Testing! Design systems! Glance! Material You! And, it’s the centennial issue! 🎉 (2022-01-18)
- Issue #99: Screenshot testing! Accessibility! Text and fields! Rendering composables to bitmaps! Tooltips! And… Wordle in the terminal?!? (2022-01-11)
- Issue #98: rememberSaveable()! White-label apps via product flavors! Loading buttons! Sliders! Canvas! Action menus! Preferences! And… ugly gradients?!? (2022-01-04)
- Issue #97: Glance! Space! Compose Multiplatform in the real world! Formatted text in fields! State management! Date pickers! Chat UIs! And, how did 2021 turn out? (2021-12-28)
- Issue #96: RC! Child composable colors! Glance! Hilt and Koin! Passwords and toggle buttons! Swiping cards and blocking ripples! And… another RC? Already?!? (2021-12-21)
- Issue #95: Touch events! Removing jank! Slot tables and slot-based APIs! Semantics! Previews! Navigation without the Jetpack! And… a blockify() composable?!? (2021-12-14)
- Issue #94: 1.1.0-beta04! Compose Multiplatform 1.0! rememberSaveable()! Slot APIs! State management! Overflow menus! And… an instrument tuner?!? (2021-12-07)
- Issue #93: State management! Navigation! Sub-sampled images! Text fields with chips! Testing, testing, and more testing! Plus, reflection… for modifying composables?!? (2021-11-30)
- Issue #92: 1.1.0-beta03! Search bars! Swipe-for-action! Testing with Appium! Sliders! Shimmers! External displays! And… what mutableStateListOf() will not do for you!?! (2021-11-23)
- Issue #91: Molecule! Render and build performance! Custom themes! Foldables! Treemaps! And… ellipsizing text?!? (2021-11-16)
- Issue #90: 1.0.5 and 1.1.0-beta02! derivedStateOf()! Navigation in Wear OS! Flowable grids! Navigation rails! Screenshot tests! And… overcomposing?!? (2021-11-09)
- Issue #89: Android Dev Summit! 1.1.0-beta01, plus a beta of Compose Multiplatform! Lifecycle events! Slot APIs! Screenshot testing! A color picker! And… unblockable configuration changes?!? 😮 (2021-11-02)
- Issue #88: SubcomposeLayout()! Recomposition! Text entry validation! MVI! Nested navigation! Tooltips! And… modifiers for everyone! (2021-10-26)
- Issue #87: 1.0.4 and 1.1.0-alpha06! Garbage collection! Compose for Wear OS! ExoPlayer! Clean Architecture! GraphQL! (2021-10-19)
- Issue #86: Overscroll! Responsive layouts! Accessibility! Reorderable lists! Foldables! Testing with an Espresso wrapper! And… testing with robots?!? (2021-10-12)
- Issue #85: 1.0.3! 1.1.0-alpha05! Scopes! Compose in production! rememberUpdatedState()! And… particles of Compose?!? (2021-10-05)
- Issue #84: @androidamanda on declarative UIs! Keyboard handling! Swapping themes! Pickers, pickers, and more pickers! And… LED matrix displays? (2021-09-28)
- Issue #83: 1.1.0-alpha04! Form validation! Dynamic text sizing! Drop-down menus! @raamcosta with a KSP for Navigation for Compose! And a glance at some future Compose libraries! (2021-09-21)
- Issue #82: Compose tooling! Animations! Menus! Coroutines! Syntax highlighting! And… donut holes?!? (2021-09-14)
- Issue #81: 1.1.0-alpha03! Parcelable in Navigation… or not! SideEffect! Recomposition! Sharing KMP code! Grids! Timeline UIs, and timelines of stable releases! (2021-09-07)
- Issue #80: rememberUpdateState()! Paging! AndroidView()! @TouchlabHQ on animations and a composable KaMP Kit! Decompiled composables! And how sloppy use of custom views can hinder migration to Compose UI! (2021-08-31)
- Issue #79: 1.1.0-alpha02! Dependent modifiers! Input validation! Live text! Auto-sized text! And… performance anxiety?!? (2021-08-24)
- Issue #78: The history of Button()! @zachklipp on Compose in Square’s Workflow! Drop shadows! LaunchedEffect()! And… a shrine to Compose?!? (2021-08-17)
- Issue #77: New patch and alpha releases! Compose Multiplatform! Navigation animation! Email address validation! @FannyDemey on accessibility! And… finite state machines? (2021-08-10)
- Issue #76: 1.0.0 shipped! Bottom sheets! Twitter and Compose! Text! Libraries! (2021-08-03)
- Issue #75: State, events, and navigation! Link! Permissions! Responsive composables! And we rest up for the 1.0.0 launch! 😴 (2021-07-27)
- Issue #74: rc02! Preview and ViewModel, together again! Coil supports Compose! MVI! @dequesystems on accessibility! Screenshots of composables! D-pad support! And… Context code smells?!? (2021-07-20)
- Issue #73: Focus! Viewports! Navigation! @divyajain2405 talks about architecture! Screenshot testing! Sliders! Reorderable lists! (2021-07-13)
- Issue #72: RC01! Navigation! Phones and tablets! Cards! Timers! Barcodes! And… the
- Issue #71: Tabs! @KP206 with a navigation library! Reacting to activity results! Bottom sheets! Lots of shapes! Lots of games! And… lots of Windows 11 users?!? (2021-06-29)
- Issue #70: beta09! Strings! Derived states! Text! Dialogs! Swipe gestures! And @jamiesanson tries to give us a little bit of focus! (2021-06-22)
- Issue #69: MutableState vs. MutableStateFlow! Navigation! Internationalization! @halilozercan on real-time animations! Chrome extensions using Compose for Web! And… Sudoku?!? (2021-06-15)
- Issue #68: beta08! Effects! Compose for Desktop! Navigation! Progress indicators! @MarkIAllison on foldables! And… fruit?!? (2021-06-08)
- Issue #67: Inside the compiler plugin! @zachklipp on reactive state and snapshots! Lottie! Kotlin/Native! Internationalization! And… app widgets?!? (2021-06-01)
- Issue #66: Google IO 2021! beta07! Mixing text and composables! State holders! Staggered grids! Bazel! And… digital wellbeing?!? (2021-05-25)
- Issue #65: @heyrikin explores preview-driven development! Pagers! Themes! ComposeView! KMM! A number picker! And why we still get to grumble about device manufacturers! (2021-05-18)
- Issue #64: beta06! Compose for Web! Compose for console! Compose for GraphViz? Compose for… Wear?!? Plus @JorgeCastilloPr dives into the Compose process! (2021-05-11)
- Issue #63: Dynamic feature modules! Sharing composables between Android and the desktop! Custom shapes! @lepetitbernat with a settings library! And… an earthquake?!? (2021-05-04)
- Issue #62: beta05! Migrating to Compose! Mixed lists! Effects! Material chips! IntelliJ plugins using Compose for Desktop! And… Star Wars? (2021-04-27)
- Issue #61: Testing! Autofill! Themes! Canvas and animations! Plus @sebi_io shows us Compose for Desktop, including… asteroids? (2021-04-20)
- Issue #60: beta04! Outlined text! Reactive state management! Animations! Swipe-to-refresh! Rating bars! And… Tetris? (2021-04-13)
- Issue #59: Carousels! Snackbars! Navigation! Search bars! Circular reveals! And… Compose is deprecated already?!? (2021-04-06)
- Issue #58: beta03! Modifiers! Notifications with @igorescodro! Themes! Navigation! Foldables! Animations! (2021-03-30)
- Issue #57: Testing! A @getstream_io chat app! All sorts of animations! Design grids! Zooming! A tasty recipe app! And, it is curtains for Compose UI! (2021-03-23)
- Issue #56: beta02! Performance! State management! Landscape mode! Persistent forms of remember()! And @RussHWolf and @jklingenberg_ with KMP Compose projects! (2021-03-16)
- Issue #55: Controlling scrolling and row state in a LazyColumn()! An @intelligibabble AMA! Architecture! Form factors! Pull-to-refresh! And clocks! (2021-03-09)
- Issue #54: Beta 1! Beta 1! And more Beta 1! (2021-03-02)
- Issue #53: Beta in 3…2…1…! Where Google will spend its time! Chips! Swipe to reveal! @bryancherbst on role semantics in accessibility! Lots of Compose for Desktop samples! (2021-02-23)
- Issue #52: alpha12 and the upgrade process! Colors and typography! Action bars! Scaffolds! Image loading! Worries about the beta! And… McDonald’s? (2021-02-16)
- Issue #51: Scaling and zooming images! Navigation, for Android and the desktop! Containers! GitHub projects! And… tell me what you think of this newsletter! (2021-02-09)
- Issue #50: alpha11! @iateyourmic on View interoperability and testing! Modifiers! ActivityResult! And… piano chords?!? (2021-02-02)
- Issue #49: Custom buttons! AndroidView()! Navigation (official and otherwise)! Compose for Desktop… for @jetbrains IDEA plugins! @handstandsam creates a composable system overlay! (2021-01-26)
- Issue #48: alpha10 changes! Floating action menus! Charts! The Surface Duo! Input methods built with Compose! …and ellipsizing text! (2021-01-19)
- Issue #47: layout()! Navigation with Parcelables! Custom drawers! Compose for Desktop! And Compose… for iOS?!? (2021-01-12)
- Issue #46: Navigation arguments! ViewModel? Shapes! GraphQL and Compose! More shimmers! In-browser Compose! And the power of names! (2021-01-05)
- Issue #45: alpha09! @chrisbanes on how Compose impacts APK complexity and build times! Scaffold()! Staggered grids! Calendars! Design systems! And… mistakes were made! (2020-12-22)
- Issue #44: LazyColumnFor()! Conditional modifiers! Color pickers! Auto-complete! And… what can we learn from Modifier’s implementation? (2020-12-15)
- Issue #43: Alpha 08! Arctic Foxes! remember()! Design systems! Themes! And navigation! (2020-12-08)
- Issue #42: Navigation arguments! Paging! Recomposition! And Compose colors… in the gutter? (2020-12-01)
- Issue #41: Lottie! State management! Effect handlers! The desktop! Themes! And compiler magic! (2020-11-24)
- Issue #40: alpha08! Design systems! Locale switching! Server-defined themes! And crossword puzzles! (2020-11-17)
- Issue #39: Compose for Desktop! Using ActivityResult from composables! Navigation and Paging! Talkback and Scrolling! Theme animations! And more! (2020-11-10)
- Issue #38: Navigation for Compose! Drawing! Previews! Modifiers! And yet more Navigation for Compose! (2020-11-03)
- Issue #37: Exceptions! Libraries! React-to-Compose translations! KMP and Compose! And some sliders! (note: not the baseball kind) (2020-10-27)
- Issue #36: alpha05! ConstraintLayout! Semantics API! Epoxy vs. Compose! And Tetris! (2020-10-20)
- Issue #35: Staggered grids! Screenshot testing! Columns, and more columns! Tooltips! And security improvements! (2020-10-13)
- Issue #34: alpha04! Themes! Pagers! Tables! Presentations! But Not Stability! (2020-10-06)
- Issue #33: Immutability! Hilt! GraphQL! Dependency inversion with Koin! And a dinosaur! (2020-09-29)
- Issue #32: alpha03! State and immutability! Column()! Converting layout XML to composables! (2020-09-22)
- Issue #31: Text and text fields! Markdown and padding! Compose, Hilt, and ExoPlayer! And the price of technology churn! (2020-09-15)
- Issue #30: Codelabs! (2020-09-08)
- Issue #29: The alpha has arrived! Lots of announcements! State management! And @vinaygaba gives us a showcase! (2020-09-01)
- Issue #28: dev17! Scope objects! System insets! Puns! And watching our Compose code… decompose! (2020-08-25)
- Issue #27: Text animations! Material Design and composables! A relocated style adapter! And… an upcoming alpha? (2020-08-18)
- Issue #26: dev16! Declarative thinking! (2020-08-11)
- Issue #25: State! Previews! ExoPlayer! Swipe-to-dismiss! And API design! (2020-08-04)
- Issue #24: Compose dev15! Performance! FAQs! And @JetBrains is hiring composers! (2020-07-28)
- Issue #23: More on whitespace! FABs! Hacker News! And… Compose for the Web? (2020-07-21)
- Issue #22: Immutability! Dialogs! Sample Data! And Exploding FABs! (2020-07-14)
- Issue #21: Space! ConstraintLayout! Dates, times, and pagers! And an Alan Greenspan quote! (2020-07-07)
- Issue #20: dev14! Figma! Server-driven UI! Telegram! And… is my function too long? (2020-06-30)
- Issue #19: CameraView! (2020-06-23)
- Issue #18: dev13! @romainguy and a roadmap! Function reference woes! Plus Android Studio 4.2 Canary 1, and its bugs! (2020-06-16)
- Issue #17: States! Joe Birch! @Preview properties! And death to data binding? (2020-06-09)
- Issue #16: dev12! Ambients! Videos and podcasts! (2020-06-02)
- Issue #15: Coroutines! Themes! AnnotatedString Clicks! (2020-05-26)
- Issue #14: dev11! ConstraintLayout! Coil! (2020-05-19)
- Issue #13: Focus! Units! FABs! (2020-05-12)
- Issue #12: dev10! New compiler plugin! Shimmer! (2020-05-05)
- Issue #11: Images! RadioGroups! And… the desktop?!? (2020-04-28)
- Issue #10: dev09! Snackbars! Life! (2020-04-21)
- Issue #9: Configuration changes! Compiler changes! Doom! (2020-04-14)
- Issue #8: dev08! Images! Shared Elements! (2020-04-07)
- Issue #7: Animations! Weather! Docs! (2020-03-31)
- Issue #6: dev07! Reflection! Priorities! (2020-03-24)
- Issue #5: Maps! Animations! and… COVID-19? (2020-03-17)
- Issue #4: dev06! Rich Text! FABs! (2020-03-10)
- Issue #3: Studio updates!
! Glide! (2020-03-03) - Issue #2: dev05! Routing! Pokémon! (2020-02-26)
- Issue #1: Hello, world! (2020-02-18)